Thursday, October 17, 2019

Asbestos hazards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Asbestos hazards - Essay Example The case of James Hardie Industries in Australia is a learning experience on how failure of the businesses to induce a mechanism of occupational health issues can remain critical to its operations. Occupational health hazards do exist in daily operations in most businesses. However, it remains the role of the managers and the health department to ensure that the staff and the target consumers are safe, during the process of conducting the sales as well as production. That is the reason the national department on safety does recommend that every business should have a safety program for its workers prior to kicking off its operations. Some of the business products are at the verge of posing long-term effects to the victims of the same. It, therefore, remains expensive to compensate the victims as long-term damage has already occurred in their system. Prevention is always better than cure. It is advantageous for a firm to come up with outlines of hazards prevention rather than coming u p with them when damage has already happened. Utilization of protective devices is also important especially in areas where various lethal gases or solids are at risk of coming into contact with the bodies of the victims.Deaths related to asbestos toxicity were on the increase. Everybody was aware that the firm was responsible for the effects. Mesothelioma was the main condition that the majority of people suffered from. More than 10000 deaths did occur in Australia due to the toxicity emanating from asbestos.

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