Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Metaphysics and Theories of Reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Metaphysics and Theories of Reality - Essay Example Through these representations, philosophers able to find logic on each other's work. The find meaning and answers to each ideas; answers find its way resulting to another answer. Therefore, based on disagreements and debates from one century to another there's always a never ending process to the meaning of each statements whether it is factual or not. "The Father of all things is war"; I firmly believe that Order and Chaos co-exist with one another and without this, war will be the result. Order and Chaos should be balanced and complement each other. Order is there to make sure that everything is organize, logically formed in a presentable manner and guidelines to follow. If any of these things were not followed accordingly, chaos will be the end result. These two are like a big circle that continuously moving into one direction and is never ending that is why it is a must that each one should follow what is directed. "You can't step into the same river twice"; In my opinion this is a perfect example of what has St. Augustine has mentioned that time is both a combination of linear and progress. Progress in such a way that life is a moving process, each day that we live, we are going and moving forward to one direction. Every path that we crossed is something that we need to think about and needs some changes over time. Linear in a way like parallel to the progress that each one is undertaking daily. Everything that we do cannot whether good or bad decisions affect the linear and progress directions of our lives. It is also one way of saying that change is inevitable. "The only thing that stays the same is nothing stays the same"; Yes, it's actually true that the only permanent thing in this world is change as quoted by one of our great philosophers. It is also true that Eternity and Time has something to do with stability and change. We know that Eternity is God, our creator and the most high. Yet, he's the one who has a full control of our destiny, our path and the one who creates stability. Time is something that can be changed but hard to get back since we can't bring back what was happened in the past though we know that we can change the future or even foresee it and learn from it. The three ideas selected are of great relevance and of importance to our everyday lives. These three are basic human foundation in order for us to be able to survive, reach our goals, target specific aims and use as a guidelines in order to have a clear path and a smooth road towards gaining experience, learning from it and achieving the things that we are aiming for. Likewise, these are ruling principles wherein we could adapt in order to measure how effective are we doing in terms of relationships, goals, and decisions. Through these principles we can then say that in one way or another we can apply it to our activities of daily living. We know for a fact that whatever the religion is, we all believe that we have one supreme being who is above all creations and that through HIM that's the main reason why we are here in this planet. Every day we make our decisions and every day through mistakes we all learn from it this is where we apply that change is the only permanen

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