Friday, October 18, 2019

Strategic Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Planning - Essay Example Strategic planning may be one individual’s job, but it gets very risky when it is so. To make strategic planning practicable, it is imperative that teamwork is involved in this process. Strategic planning is based on cooperation among the team members that make it. Different people have specific skills and expertise in different fields. Strategic planning, particularly in the contemporary age, is based on the cooperation of experts having specific skills in distinct fields including technology, planning, and management. Coordination is fundamental to the success of strategic planning. Planning is made strategic when a team of experts from different origins and backgrounds and having association with different organizations, cultures, or subcultures are united at one platform and are told the objective that needs to be achieved. â€Å"†¦engaged leadership in the whole process of strategic planning including the implementation, particularly with regard to the three Cs is t he key to success† (Zomorrodian, 2011, p. 1130). Hence, the role and importance of the three C’s in the process of strategic planning cannot be overemphasized. Strategic planning can be understood as assessment of an organization’s needs for the advancement of its goals and missions in a particular time period. When collaboration is integrated into this process, it provides the organization with a way to exchange knowledge, skills, and competencies with different people participating in the process so that the goals can be modified and development can be ensued. This imparts the need to have enough resources as well as a culture that appreciates and encourages cooperation and teamwork. Cooperation plays the role of a catalyst when integrated in the process of strategic planning as it counteracts competition among the team members. Cooperation means development of

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